Sunday, May 13, 2007

High School English Squelches the Creativity of its Students :: Old Randomer

High School English Squelches the Creativity of its Students


I think high school English class (at least through the tenth grade) squelches the creativity of its students by focusing too much on the rules and not enough on the innovative thinking and creativity section of writing.

Instead of worrying about speling and punc.tuation and parenthetical notation (Me, Page 777) the teachers should worry more about conveying the idea that writing should be fun, that it’s about expressing your ideas in a way that other people can understand. It shouldn’t be about getting everything just so, it should be about learning how to be creative and inventive.

Sometimes I can definitely lack in that department, but at other times I get an A+. I think writing should be about conveying what you think, or sometimes about accurately presenting a specific event, or information about a certain topic. I believe that writing is about presenting your thoughts, feelings, and emotions in a way that other people can understand. Sometimes it’s through a story. Other times, it isn’t.

Regardless, English teachers such as Mr. Woracheck shouldn’t worry so much about the rules. They/he shouldn’t regard them as the be-all-and-end-all of life. Screw the rules. Be a rebel for once in your life. Why does everything always have to be the same? Answer: It Doesn’t!

End Rant.

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