Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Sunny Delight is a Hallucinogen :: Old Randomer

Previously on Randomer:

Sunny Delight is a Hallucinogen

By Goo

Written: 10-24-06

Over the past couple of days I have been drinking a good deal of Sunny Delight due to the fact that Orange/Peach and Orange/Strawberry are 80 cents off at 99 cents for a 64 oz. jug.

Anyhow, last night I had some of the most absurd, gross dreams ever. At this time I will not detail what they contained.

The point being, over the past several weeks I have not been able to remember my dreams at all, and last night I had some SunnyD right before going to bed. One of the dreams that I had was so totally off the wall, I have no idea where it came from. It had pretty much no basis in reality at all. Well, it did, but it was soooo skewed, it really was amazing. Sunny Delight must be a hallucinogen.

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