Sunday, January 21, 2007

Waiting Game

I am basically waiting around until I hear back from that chick about possibly taking over the address. Once that happens, things will become more organized. Until then, we (more like I) will languish. To fill space, here's something I wrote for Randomer and was published on the website 1/9/07:

Slacking Time

By Goo

Written: 1/9/07

Here I sit, slacking. Yes, I am slacking! I am not doing school work, or anything else that even resembles work. Although now that I am typing something Randomer related I am working again. Dash it all. (Bet you don't here that very often.)

But really, the past several days I have been just kind of running around like a chicken with a severed cranium. I have sooo much english work along with everything else, my head just spins, and I seem to get nowhere. I cannot wait for 2nd semester! NO MORE ENGLISH! I only have 11 days of highschool english remaining! 10, actually, as I know I will be absent one of those days. Which equals 20 class periods or 15 more hours of in-class time. Which is probably like 25 hours of total english with all the work that I need to do. Bother it all. I need to come up with a way to say what "dash it all" really means in a more socially acceptable way that isn't "dash it all" or "bother it all." Goo: the wordsmith.

And I will leave you with this parting thought:

A torpid electron.

And my number of days of english remaining are dwindling quickly!

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