Sunday, September 3, 2006

old blog post

I'm sitting in the library during my study hall, and my Accounting 2 class started this stock market competition at, and I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. Brent is explaining it to me, but I think that I'm just bad at it. Maybe if I'd done this before I would have a little bit more of a grasp of what is going on... but at the moment, I am pretty lost.

Hmm, its been a while since I've written a blog. What has happened since last time? Well, Sunday was football at church; that was pretty awesome, except for the part where I got a bloody nose on the last play. I guess that is kinda awesome anyway, though. I always felt out of the loop because I had never had a bloody nose... and now I know what it feels like, and I can say "Yes, I've had a bloody nose before." I also feel really out of the loop because I have never broken a bone before, but I really don't want to be in that loop. I am sure one day membership of the broken bone group will be forced on me, but I will try as hard as possible to remain an outsider.

Not much of significance has happened since then, but tonight I am going to my sister's Cross Country meet. Fun Fun.

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