Sunday, June 21, 2009

Compass Church BRINGING THE HEAT!!

Jim brought the heat today!! Holy crap he was up front and seriously IN YOUR FACE! Don't remember if I've ever seen him this ticked (maybe at the bloggers twisting his words... that was intense) but man was he right on!

He has gotten ME riled up about Jesus being up front, not pulling any punches, and being BOLD and not mild! We are not called to mild christianity! (Even though that wasn't necesarily the point of Jim's message. But he definitely was NOT mild today!!)

The closer I draw to God and the more passionate I get and feel about loving Him, the more I feel he lays on my heart to say. I try to speak only when I have something to say, but the closer I stand to Christ, the more I feel given to say. So more words may be coming off of my tongue in the coming weeks and months.

Let's step up and lend a hand instead of pointing a finger!

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