Thursday, February 15, 2007

Snow or Dirt?

It is incredible! The majority of the year I look forward to the ski season with great longing. It is probably over half way over now, but there is still quite a bit of time left. For some reason, I am already yearning for the dirt. My mom received a new issue of Bike magazine... and I promptly took it and started reading it. It conjured images of mountainbiking and mountainboarding, but it is still very much winter. I have been reveling in the snow and the cold temperatures, but for some reason I also can’t wait for the spring mud to be here. I think it has a little bit to do with the fact that Bruce Mound only has so much to offer. I feel like I am even getting bored with it. I have snowboarded one day each of the past 2 weekends or so, just to throw a little variety into the mix.

In two weekends we’ll have a four day weekend. I am hoping to be able to take that time and go ski somewhere other than same-old Bruce Mound. I think I need a little change.

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