Thursday, August 6, 2009

25 inch Catfish!

So my Dad, Kaitlynn and I went fishing. I caught this sweet 25 inch catfish!

The Black River

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joshthecollegekid said...

greg aka goo....that's you huh?? Long time no see

Greg Heil said...

yeah man, it's been a while.

i don't really know who this is, though. can't connect your screen name with your real face, haha!

anyhow, take care, hope all is well in montana.

joshthecollegekid said...

i ain't in MT, i moved to CA...remeber me, my dad's name was roger(the dude that was balding and had a beard)....and krys szyszka called me raja-man..i hit you with a dodgeball at BSBC in the the eye i think

Greg Heil said...

ah ha, got it man... i'm assuming you don't want me to write your name then, haha.

so how is california treating you?

joshthecollegekid said...

it's pretty hot...thst one word i tihnk sums up more than one way post a lot..and that's an must have a laptop...?

Greg Heil said...

yeah, i have a laptop. and i text photos sometimes if i see something i think is cool.

haha, more way than one!

yeah georgia is hot too...

Greg Heil said...

but i don't post nearly as much as some blog's i follow.

Greg Heil said...

ps i've been trying to post a comment on your blog but i keep getting an error message...